Most of us are finding the world an ever more challenging place, a place where many of us are asking (in our better moments) how can we be of benefit. I think it’s important to think in this way so we don’t loose heart.
I recently listened to a great TED talk by Simon Sinek who asks “what is your why?” If we know our “why” then it is easier to be clear about “what” we do. This goes for so many aspects of our life.
It got me thinking about my work. Why do I paint? Why will it make a difference in this crazy world? It reminded me that I strongly believe that peace is achieved one person at a time. And we create peace in our personal world by nourishing both our inner and outer beings. We tend to our health by eating well and exercising. We nourish our inner garden through contemplation, time in nature, meditation, music, inspirational reading. And then we take our nourished selves out into the world as compassionate human beings who can listen and think and act with clarity.
Our inner and outer worlds are deeply connected. There is a constant back and forth flow between the two. How you feel influences how you see things. When you’re feeling great a lot of minor irritations are just that, minor. The noisy neighbour is much more irritating when you have a headache than when all is well. Our outer worlds play a larger part that we sometimes think. How do you feel when your home is freshly cleaned and vacuumed, when there are flowers on the table? Or when you walk into a beautiful art gallery or peruse those designer homes on pinterest? And then there’s the feeling you get when the sink is full of dishes and the house is full of unfinished tasks. We often don’t pay attention to how intertwined our inner and outer worlds are. And that got me thinking
I create my art work with the hope that it will help you create an outer world that will feel harmonious and uplifting, that will nourish your inner being. Spaces where you will be refreshed and restored or simply find respite from the craziness outside your door. Spaces that will make you feel more grounded and centred when you take yourself back out into the world. That is my WHY: helping you add tranquility and harmony to your outer space through my art. A boldly coloured painting might energize your dining room where you spend time with family and friends. A piece with softer, more subtle colours can add a feeling of calm and respite to your living room or bedroom.
As I write the tree frogs have burst into their wild and beautiful song filling the night air. Chartreuse buds are unfurling on every branch. May the season find you ready to wake up to it’s energy of renewal, to feel the impetus to declutter and reinvigorate your outer world so that you can more easily have access to the natural peace that is your nature. And don’t forget to enjoy the free downloadable art print at the bottom of this post.
Is there one small change you could make right now to your outer world than would positively affect your inner world? Some spring branches in a vase, laundry in the hamper, old email deleted??
Excellent blog Carole. You inspired me to do that ‘one small thing’ in my outer world and I cleaned my silver. Not only is the work itself meditative but the end product is lovely as it sparkles in the light.
That’s awesome Sharon! It’s true, much of the work we regard as mundane can be meditative. And I find, as you did, that the results always feel good. Those things we often avoid or put off often have the potential to make us feel good.